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Welcome to the website of the European funded project entitled:

“Open Lab for the up-skilling of higher educational staff in on-line MAnagement EDucation - OLMEdu”

This project has been funded with the support from European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect views only of author, the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.


Project number: 2020-1-CY01-KA226-HE-082724





The OLMEdu project addresses the challenge of digital transformation in Higher Education (HE), which has been imposed in the last years and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.


This transformation has stressed the need to offer support and training to higher education staff (HES) in acquiring the appropriate ICT knowledge and skills to successfully support e-learning. In Management Education (ME) this process is even more demanding as a set of social and economic studies which is associated with solving problems and decision-making situations.




OLMEdu seeks to create an open lab for the up-skilling of Higher Education Staff (HES) in online management education. The project aims to:


  1. provide higher educational staff with the proper knowledge, skills, and competencies required to facilitate distance learning using technologies and tools of online training.

  2. cultivate their ability to embed the appropriate pedagogies, into the online environment, form their teaching-learning process using online methodologies, adjusted to the training context of ME.

  3. create training activities and learning material to be studied and followed by HEI educational staff in order them to effectively create positive learning environments for their students, train them to collaborate, make decisions, solve problems, and integrate them into strategic scenarios

  4. create the capacity of HEI training staff to develop online simulations and integrate them in their training offering practice using a newly developed user-friendly tool.

  5. create an open-access learning repository and online community of practice for the development of online training delivery skills and competencies for HEI educational staff.


Target Groups


OLMedu envisions to directly involve 30 participants (Higher Education Staff - HES) in total throughout the simulation toolbox piloting and the e-learning platform piloting, reach 1000 beneficiaries (HES), and involve 30 stakeholders/experts in the need assessment and development of the learning outcomes. 


The target groups are listed below:


Main target group: Educational staff at HEIs in the field of ME and Leadership, including university faculty directors and professional trainers in ME.


Experts: Industry experts/business representatives, local authorities, such as representatives of Ministries of Education, Commerce, and Industry, as well as policymakers at a European level and MEPs.

Other stakeholders: Other Higher Education Institutions in fields other than Management Education, other training, educational, and consultancy organizations across the EU and internationally.




Elements of innovation:

(i) all intellectual outputs of the OLMEdu project, including the learning and training material do not currently exist;

(ii) interrelated but conceptually independent modules of the learning material,

(iii) open access online repository with the learning material and the toolbox for developing online simulations in management education,

(iv) flexibility in the material so that it can be easily adapted to other fields of Education.


Excepted impact:

(i) transfer the knowledge and the skills needed to Higher Education Staff for the delivery of online learning and training in Management Education;

(ii) shift from traditional to ICT enhanced teaching and learning.


Colorful Bubbles

The choice of the partners was made after careful consideration to ensure that the project would bring together the best possible expertise and knowledge on the topic at hand.


All partners involved have great experience in managing EU and nationally funded projects and in embracing innovative practices locally. Also, all partners have excellent networks and close cooperation at national and EU level with Science Museums and Science Centres, decision makers, governmental officials, representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Employers’ Associations, Young Entrepreneurs’ Associations, media companies and local universities. This assists in disseminating our project results widely across involved EU countries. Below the different types of partners involved in our consortium are described:


a) Two Universities with relevant experience in the topic of STEM education and entrepreneurship education for young people (EUC, NTNU);


b) Three SMEs with experience in dissemination and in research and consulting work on STEM, entrepreneurship and engineering/coding practices (GrantXpert, CyRIC, Engino);


d) One Science Museum (NEMO) that aims at making science and technology engaging and accessible to the widest possible audience;


e) Two NGOs with expertise in teaching STEM at schools (STEMworks) and organising coding/robotics events (Programamos), providing vital input during the development of our training content.


The project will be implemented in 5 countries (Cyprus, Spain, The Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom) with the resourceful collaboration of 8 involved organisations.



Business Team

IO1: Training content for the up-skilling of higher educational staff in the use of ICT technologies and on-line training in management education


IO1 will provide a mapping of the theoretical foundation and needs for the identification of learning outcomes, the design of training content outline, and the development of training activities framework (training methods and techniques) that will be used in O2 for the development of the training content.


Download the final report of IO1 here.


IO2: Learning material for the use of on-line training and ICT technologies in teaching management


IO2 will provide the learning material for the use of online training and ICT technologies in teaching management, addressing the needs and challenges identified in IO1 in using ICT in Management Education. The learning material will be comprised by 6-8 modules, which will be translated into all partner languages.


Download the final report of IO2 here.


IO3: Toolbox for developing on-line simulations in management education


IO3 will provide a toolbox for creating on-line simulations/scenarios in Management Education, which will be accompanied by training material. The toolbox will be piloted, adapted, and translated into all partner languages.


Download the final report of IO3 here.


IO4: Online learning repository for HEI educational staff


IO4 will provide an open access online learning repository for Higher Education Institution educational staff. IO4 will include the development of an e-learning platform and digital Online Training Content. The platform will be pilot tested and remain functional after the end of the project.



Virtual Team Meeting
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Feel free to send us an email to

Coordinating Organisation:

Frederick University:
OLMEdu coordinator: Dr. Achilleas Achilleos
Work phone: +35722431355 ext.: 46143

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